Thursday, January 20, 2011

2nd Lambs of the year.

Hannah had her twin lambs, one day after Sally had her twins.  Both of these are ewe lambs, and are also healthy and happy.  The weather has turned cold, so we will wait for a couple of weeks before we turn them out.  Lambing is done until maybe March. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

1st Lambs of the Year

Our ewe "Sally Pearl" gave birth last night to twin lambs.  The lambs are Suffolk/Dorsett crosses, one femal and one male.  They seem healthy and vigorous, and are mostly white in color.  I am used to Suffolk lambs being born solid black, which caught me off guard.  Our other two ewes are nearing the end of their pregnancies (one soon one later) and we will post when they give birth.